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New Forum Software & Design

Posted by Simon, in Website Updates 25 March 2010 · 4,542 views

Poll: New Forum Software & Design (13 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think of the new forums software and redesign?

  1. Fantastic (0 votes [0%])

    Percentage of vote: 0%

  2. Good (0 votes [0%])

    Percentage of vote: 0%

  3. OK (0 votes [0%])

    Percentage of vote: 0%

  4. Below Average (0 votes [0%])

    Percentage of vote: 0%

  5. Absolutely Terrrible (0 votes [0%])

    Percentage of vote: 0%

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I suppose it's a bit like moving house, a lot of waiting and a huge amount of time, effort and money invested and now I'm busy unpacking boxes and trying to find in which box I put the kettle - so I can have a cup of tea. I'm starting this blog to lead the way (as this is a new feature) and also to gather some feedback from members. I'm quite excited with the upgrade, but it would be nice to know how you all feel about it.



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Regarding the new forum software and redesign I’ve received great feedback from members in this blog post and directly via email, so thank you all very much for taking the time to comment, I sincerely appreciate it.

In the little poll I’ve got to be happy with 6 Fantastic and 7 Good votes. :smile:

I believe I’ve answered most of the queries raised with the “size of font” being an issue for some of you. Those who mentioned this can you please be more specific explaining where this is a problem and if you can provide your screen size and resolution settings as well as the browser you are using it would be useful, so that I can check what you are seeing.

Regarding Firefox logging you out Charles - that happens to me with Firefox on some web sites but not here. Strange. Anyone else?

This blog post isn’t closed so if you do find another bug or problem post it here or send me a personal message.

Over the coming weeks I’m going to be using my blog for explaining the what, why and wherefore of the various features of the new forums software – starting with blogs.

Best Wishes,