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Takeaway fined for food safety offences

Started by , Mar 03 2005 08:51 PM
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The owners of a takeaway in Nailsea have been ordered to fork out £13,125 for endangering the health of their customers by failing to comply with food safety laws. Some of the things found during an inspection were:

- Food preparation areas, storage areas and general surfaces in the kitchen were covered in a layer of congealed grease which had food debris and hairs stuck to it

- An ashtray full of cigarette butts and ash in the area where open food was handled and stored

- A defective fridge and freezer

- A dirty towel in the staff toilet which had an unpleasant odour and was stiff with grime

- Cooked whole ducks, crispy fried beef and prawns fried in deep batter stored in open boxes in a lean-to store which was made of corrugated plastic sheeting

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Takeaway fined for food safety offences

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