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POV > Opera > Football

Started by , May 14 2008 03:51 PM
3 Replies
Dear All,

Hope this is not too exotic for the forum.

Although it hasn’t happened much lately, there used to be a lot of general interest threads in this section, frequently sport related. Was investigating Simon’s request for meaning of POV and was interestingly (mis)led to sites concerning the late, great, Luciano Pavarotti. I didn’t know that his musical offerings (notably Nessun Dorma) became a UK smash hit via the 1990 World Cup. So for football - opera lovers, try this link for a 2.42 min clip. Streaming quality but nonetheless, pure spellbinding magic IMHO.


(Some background on above is at http://findarticles...._v42/ai_9244263 )

Rgds / Charles.C

(PS - Much more on U-tube including the wonderful Sarah Brightman and the remarkable Paul Potts)
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Is this like the "six degrees of separation" thing? You should read about the Kingdom Of Talossa where opera and football were the same thing. In fact, the "goal dances" of the modern era are supposed to be vestiges of the operathletic origins!

Okay, the above is from some kook but you got to give them points for trying.
Dear Sirius,

Many thks for yr insights. (Actually my first thought was here is another poster with too much “time for thinking.”)
Ideal for this forum of course.
Must admit hv never heard about the these “items” before. As you say, talossa does seem a little over-kooky however the 6deg thing is rather fascinating (see for example http://en.wikipedia....s_of_separation ). The “friends” aspect seemed possibly expandable to pets also.

I noticed one comment -

However, detractors argue that Milgram's experiment did not demonstrate such a link, (10) and the "six degrees" claim has been decried as an "academic urban myth" (11).

Link 11 contains some equally offbeat content, eg –

Well-known topics of urban legends
• A person, typically an old woman, attempting to dry a wet poodle or cat in a microwave oven.
• The vanishing hitchhiker
• Alligators said to dwell in New York City's sewers, where they grow to enormous size after having been flushed down the toilet by dissatisfied owners.
• The idea that consuming Pop Rocks and Coke a Cola at the same time will cause your stomach to explode.
• The "Paul is Dead" story, that Paul McCartney died and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike.

To,err, digress slightly, I actually found many more possible interpretations of POV however I suspect the most commonly used other one is that given in the famous “Urban Dictionary” .

Regards / Charles.C
Okay, when I mentioned POV it certainly wasn't under the definitons found in Urban Dictionary!

I'm not like that at all!!


I'm not!!!

It was only that once when I was young and she told me she was 18.

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