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EU-INDIA Trade and Investment Develpment Programme

Started by , Feb 22 2005 05:03 PM
4 Replies
Dear All,

my name is Chiara Anglesio and I work for Gruppo Soges, a large Italian consultancy company. We're mainly active in development cooperation projects funded by the European Union.

I contact you because we've just been short-listed for the EU-INDIA Trade and Investment Develpment Programme, Lot 2-Sanitary Phyto Sanitary /Technical Barriers to Trade issues.

The overall objective of TIDP is to assist India in building an enabling economic environment and to improve economic governance with a view to significantly enhance trade and investment with the EU. Lot 2 aims at upgrading Indian food laboratories' testing facilities and the other SPS/TBT-related activities

We haven't yet received the Terms of Reference but it's very much likely that an expert/team leader in Food Safety Managdment Systems will be required, for an approximative input of 16 months over a 2 or 3 years period.

I wonder whether the forum can help me in my research of the required expert.

I'm at your disposal for any further clarification you may require.

Best regards,

Chiara Anglesio
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I wonder whether the forum can help me in my research of the required expert.

Hi Chiara,

I think you can refer this UNDER the "case study" category if further details can be given or whenever the terms of reference or other information can be released for forum discussion and contribution. Simon - what do you think? Is so, a book is coming your way.

I'm at your disposal for any further clarification you may require.

For specific issues relating to SPS/TBT, I am very sure members here (esp. Indian Members) would be in position to contribute once you have posted these "issues"

Welcome to the forum!

Charles Chew

I think you can refer this UNDER the "case study" category if further details can be given or whenever the terms of reference or other information can be released for forum discussion and contribution. Simon - what do you think? Is so, a book is coming your way.


Hello Chiara, as Charles says this sounds like a good case study, so I've moved it into the case study forum. Charles is also right you have won a book. Take your pick from the books listed in the competition forum and send me a Personal Message with your choice.

Competion Forum

You can carry on with your case study now.


my name is Chiara Anglesio and I work for Gruppo Soges, a large Italian consultancy company. We're mainly active in development cooperation projects funded by the European Union.


Hi Chiara, I'm from Italy too.
Welcome to the Forum
Can't help you sorry
Hi Chiara,

May be I can help you identify someone, Iam from India and from food safety management system background, if you can post details I will pass it on to people from this background.


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