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Deming Learning Network

Started by , Jan 31 2005 09:20 PM
3 Replies
The Deming Learning Network is a community of managers, academics and consultants committed to learning together to improve the performance of organisations.


A great resource with some nice articles (left menu bottom).

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Thanks for the link Simon, it look good.

The little extract below is from an article ‘Managing the White Space' on the Deming Learning Network website.

'In my experience, the white space has always been where the action is. I have had the largest impact by acting upon the boundaries between components of a system, and have generally been able to do so (in part) by reinforcing the system aim. Managing the white space means bridging the gap between organizational strategy and individual performance. In Dr. Deming's world, it means concentrating on the flow of products, paper, and information between departments, rather than simply on the activities within departments. For it is at the interface points, or the handoff points, that most of the action and the screw-ups occur.'

For a while I've been waffling about job swapping, process defragmentation and the zone of animosity and frustration that builds between departments, so it was nice to find an article that succinctly and eloquently sums up just about everything I've been mumbling on about. Try and read the rest of the article if you get the chance, its not very long.

In my last post I forgot to give the link to the article. Unfortunately because the site uses frames (if you want to know I'll tell you) I cannot link to the article directly. You will find ‘Managing the White Space' under 'Articles' which is near the bottom of the left hand menu, scroll down and you will see it.



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