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Would you put IFSQN Membership on you CV or Resume?

Started by , Jan 28 2008 09:00 AM
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40 Replies
I was thinking over the weekend about the people who give up their valuable time and energy helping other members out with their questions on the forums. The knowledge shared and help provided is often not reciprocated with the courtesy of a reply or a thank you. This does not do much to enhance the motivation of members to continue sharing. We have lost many good and knowledgeable members over the years and I’m sure the lack of courtesy has at times been a contributory factor to their leaving.

I think the main reason for this lack of courtesy is because the internet is a place where people have come to expect instant information for free.

Kara and Penard mentioned their frustration recently and they are wholly right. The core members here are polite, friendly and courteous and we should accept nothing less from new members.

As I was thinking of this I began to think what I/we could offer as a thank you (before you get excited I have no money).

Many organisations and institutes have membership grades that are recognised within their industry or profession. I myself am a member of the Chartered Quality Institute. The CQI have various grades of membership rising in seniority e.g. associate, member, fellow etc. New members start out as associate member and then progress through the ranks (if they want to) by way of examinations or demonstrating experience, or a combination of the two.

As well as receiving a copy of the magazine and the opportunity to network with like minded people for your industry you also get a nice certificate and some letters to put on your CV or resume.

I just wanted to run this idea past members for your views on whether we should or could do something like this. I’m not sure what or how, but I just wanted to get members views on this.

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Way to go! I think a certificate of participation in recognition towards a member's contribution is a good idea.

Do you give certificate regardless of bad or misleading contributions? While the spirit of contribution should remain unchanged in the main stream, I think you should have a panel of experts in each field to determine whether the contributions indeed have "values" or just plain

Way to go! I think a certificate of participation in recognition towards a member's contribution is a good idea.

Do you give certificate regardless of bad or misleading contributions? While the spirit of contribution should remain unchanged in the main stream, I think you should have a panel of experts in each field to determine whether the contributions indeed have "values" or just plain

Well looks like you and I will be the only 'certified' members.

I can see you are itching to get into the detail and we are on the same page, but at this stage I just want to canvass opinion on the value (or not) of being a certified IFSQN member.

Does anybody else buy into this vision?

1 Thank

Well looks like you and I will be the only 'certified' members.

I can see you are itching to get into the detail and we are on the same page, but at this stage I just want to canvass opinion on the value (or not) of being a certified IFSQN member.

Does anybody else buy into this vision?


I think that any information, regardless of how trivial it may be should be treated as important. I know in the past i have asked about squat toilets and translation of hygiene standards, and that i have posted replies for other questions that may have seemed trivial to others.

i'm never post on topics such as 22K as i never use it.
i rarely comment on packaging because that's not my area of expertise.

As a lowly QA Manager i have good knowledge on HACCP, auditing, BRC (food) and quality systems, so these tend to be the subjects i'll post on.

i would put that i was a member of IFSQN on my CV.

c x
Hi Simon,

I think it is a good idea to reward members that contribute or give them some status.
An expert panel that qives away merits points or something like that sounds good.
It is now already possible to rate treaths this could be expanded maybe.

Have a nice day, Okido

I think that any information, regardless of how trivial it may be should be treated as important. I know in the past i have asked about squat toilets and translation of hygiene standards, and that i have posted replies for other questions that may have seemed trivial to others.

i'm never post on topics such as 22K as i never use it.
i rarely comment on packaging because that's not my area of expertise.

As a lowly QA Manager i have good knowledge on HACCP, auditing, BRC (food) and quality systems, so these tend to be the subjects i'll post on.

i would put that i was a member of IFSQN on my CV.

c x

Thanks for responding Caz. Right now there is nothing to stop any member from putting IFSQN Membership on their CV, but what does it mean? What is it's value to an employer? I'm thinking of a clear process that verifies/validates a members knowledge and experience. Whether that is through number of posts, qualifications, peer review, something else or a mixture of the aforementioned. If we get enough people to say yes this is a good idea we can begin to discuss what it might look like.

Is anybody else a member of a professional body?

Dear Simon,

I'm a Member of the British Institute of Inn keepers, doesn't mean much in the quality world, but I can sign passport applications

I would put membership to the IFSQN on my CV, mind you at one stage I did put on the letters BSM on my CV(Bronze Swimming Medal), it got a little chuckle on interview, but I didn't get the job.

I have also inserted that we as a company are members of the IFSQN in our Quality Manual as a source of technical updates.

Kind regards,


Hi Simon,

I think it is a good idea to reward members that contribute or give them some status.
An expert panel that qives away merits points or something like that sounds good.
It is now already possible to rate treaths this could be expanded maybe.

Have a nice day, Okido

I'm glad we are thinking the same way on this idea Okido. It's a bit of a slow burner, but I really am beginning to see we can achieve something here. I think we need a few more to stand up and say it's agood idea then we can have some fun with the mechanics of it.

I'm a Member of the British Institute of Inn keepers, doesn't mean much in the quality world, but I can sign passport applications

I would put membership to the IFSQN on my CV, mind you at one stage I did put on the letters BSM on my CV(Bronze Swimming Medal), it got a little chuckle on interview, but I didn't get the job.

I have also inserted that we as a company are members of the IFSQN in our Quality Manual as a source of technical updates.

So I can count you in Steve. At this rate we'll have a membership running into double figures before too long. And the IFSQN get's a mention in your Quality Manual...marvellous!

Thanks. Let's keep the discussions going.

BUMP. I won't let a good idea go. Is it a good idea?

Hi Simon,

Just wanted to let you know that i feel and think it really is a good idea.....i am thinking of the appropriate way we can get it right the first time. If we all work at it one day IFQSN will organise roadshows, workshops, seminars, AGMs etc etc.

May i ask Simon, how do you get the funding to keep this site running...just thinking out aloud as a new member.



Just wanted to let you know that i feel and think it really is a good idea.....i am thinking of the appropriate way we can get it right the first time. If we all work at it one day IFQSN will organise roadshows, workshops, seminars, AGMs etc etc.

May i ask Simon, how do you get the funding to keep this site running...just thinking out aloud as a new member.

Hi Theo, It's nice to see we have the same vision. The little money the site makes is from selling training materials (for packaging) and some advertising revenue. It covers the bills.

Any more for or against it. Either way please say.


Hi Theo, It's nice to see we have the same vision. The little money the site makes is from selling training materials (for packaging) and some advertising revenue. It covers the bills.

Any more for or against it. Either way please say.


For Simon!

we could all take it in turns to be guest speakers!

bagsy i be entertainment secretary!
1 Like

For Simon!

we could all take it in turns to be guest speakers!

bagsy i be entertainment secretary!

That's a given Caz. A little bit of this and plenty of that and not too much of this I guess.
I've made an executive decision, I'm not going to push ahead with this. I'm not throwing it in the bin in a you don't like my idea strop. More I am placing it carefully in the do not open until 2010 drawer.

Hi Simon

As we are always looking for motivation for others who work with us, I think it’s a good idea to get motivation for ourselves too.

I’m sorry I’m late!

I haven't been around here for a few weeks.


As we are always looking for motivation for others who work with us, I think it’s a good idea to get motivation for ourselves too.

I’m sorry I’m late!

I haven't been around here for a few weeks.


It's good to see you back Angelica.


Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

Tks again and pls keep posting.

i have stated that i hold an membership with ifsqn on my cv.nothing wrong in mentioning this on your cv.as long as you are participating in important dicussions.
fahim dadni
Its funny that this was bumped ... I was actually considering this question as I decided to update my resume for the first time in a couple years.

Its funny that this was bumped ... I was actually considering this question as I decided to update my resume for the first time in a couple years.

Hi Marshenko,

Did you decide to include in your resume or not, or are you still considering?

Still considering. Resume is open on my laptop at home.
Nice thought. So far I never thought about this. I will put it in my CV
I have it on mine listed under "Other Activities" (church officer, volunteer work, political work, private pilot, instrumental music instructor) - specifically it states "ISFQN Forum participant." Though my forum use has been in the past more work related, I don't use it in areas of the res ume that demonstrate competence, duties, or accomplishments.

So for brownie points to Simon, it gives me an opportunity to promote ISFQN when they ask me what it is ;-)
So the question of whether to include on the cv/resume is whether it would be deemed a positive or negative by the prospective employer. Of course other factors come into play for example the amount of time spent on the forums and the number of posts etc. there is obviously a balance to strike, but I would say if the balance were ok and the employer still perceived it as a negative they would perhaps be the kind of employer you wouldn’t want to work for.

We all get stuck from time to time and this place saves time and effort (and possibly money). In addition contributing to discussions widens knowledge that can be applied to add value in the workplace.

I think including it in the ‘other interests’ section is a very good idea.



I always read posts and always ask questions. I use posts here to improve my work and knowledge. But I never wrote any answer. Am I eligible to be a certified member?



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