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Risk Based Vendor Approval Procedures ?

Started by , Nov 12 2007 06:40 AM
3 Replies
Dear All,

Monday random offering.
This topic has come up previously due to its popularity in various standards.

“Risk” is generally interpreted as a methodology involving some kind of (quantitative) defect based assessment (I think) without requiring an explicit, detailed Critical/Major/Minor delineation of the actual defects (eg via having/not having direct HACCP significance) although I suppose the latter adds more “oomph” to the procedure. If people have experienced more strict audit interpretations (and/or would like to donate ), eg for BRC, please feel free to post. (Wasn't quite sure which forum to put this post).

I did a quick search here and noticed a few useful donated forms (search vasillis/suemal if that interested) but couldn’t see any which gave specific number ideas. I had a few on my hard drive (not originally from food area but still “usable” I think) so - 1. is Word flowchart (non-quant.) 2./3. basic excel/word presentation forms, 4. is a complete manual (pdf) with IMO some very interesting procedures / assessment ideas.

1. Vendor_Approval_Process_and_monitoring.doc   51.5KB   206 downloads

2. supplier_value_rating_1.doc   29KB   156 downloads

Rgds / Charles.C
1 Thank
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Thanks for sharing Charles. There are some useful ideas and guidance in the docs. Can you tell me what these mean please? SSR, SDR, SVR.

Dear Simon,

I guess you’re referring to item 3.

SSR (Supplier Survey Results)
SDR (Supplier Delivery Rating)
SVR (Supplier Value Rating)

Actually these are on the form however one item not defined is DMR. I think this is Discrepant Material Report.

The time frame is also unspecified, it will presumably relate to volume of product involved, value, problem occurring frequency etc.

Many of these plans originally relate to closely specified / precision manufacturing processes / relatively high volume situations. More ingenuity / flexibility may be unavoidable where comparison criteria involve large and small lots of intrinsically more variable quality and which may not always appear in nice uniform packaging, eg single / multiple truckloads of uncartoned vegetables.

Rgds / Charles.C

Dear Simon,

I guess you’re referring to item 3.

SSR (Supplier Survey Results)
SDR (Supplier Delivery Rating)
SVR (Supplier Value Rating)

Actually these are on the form however one item not defined is DMR. I think this is Discrepant Material Report.

The time frame is also unspecified, it will presumably relate to volume of product involved, value, problem occurring frequency etc.

Many of these plans originally relate to closely specified / precision manufacturing processes / relatively high volume situations. More ingenuity / flexibility may be unavoidable where comparison criteria involve large and small lots of intrinsically more variable quality and which may not always appear in nice uniform packaging, eg single / multiple truckloads of uncartoned vegetables.

Rgds / Charles.C

I guess I missed them. Thanks for the clarification Charles.

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