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Packaging Salary Survey

Started by , Dec 13 2004 01:05 PM
2 Replies
US recruitment organisation Gros Plastics Recruiters have launched a salary calculator: http://www.plasticsj...vey/Default.asp

The calculator was developed following an extensive survey of 2,651 plastics and packaging personnel.

Currency converter:

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Hey, thanks for depressing me.

I'll send you a postcard when I get there........ :D

Merry Christmas/Seasonal Greetings etc. to everyone.
Hope you all have a prosperous New Year.

Merry Christmas/Seasonal Greetings etc. to everyone.
Hope you all have a prosperous New Year.


Best Wishes to you to Bonno, I hope you have a really good one.

Look on the positive side we get more holidays in the UK and the £ - $ exchange rate is fabulous at the moment. You could almost afford to buy your own packaging business in the States.


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