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How To Get A Raise

Started by , Dec 06 2004 08:50 PM
4 Replies
Let's face it we could all do with a little extra money. So with the end of year fast approaching what are you going to do to get that inflation busting raise. You could always wait for the boss to call you into his office and offer you an extra 10K a year.

'Come in Smith. Sit down. Want a cigar? Back rub? You know I like you Smith…and I've been watching you…and I like what you're doing. You're an asset to this company and I want to keep you on the team, that's why I'm going to increase your salary by another 10 grand. That OK with you Smith? By the way what are you doing for dinner tonight darling?'

Come on it just isn't going to happen. So what are you going to do? You deserve more!!!

What we need is a winning strategy. One the boss can't refuse…

If you've been successful tell us your secrets. Have you got an effective formula that doesn't involve getting down on your knees?

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You're either all very happy with your lot, or you've given up trying.

Here's a few tips:


A former boss of mine used to say that we don't ASK for a raise: we have to CLAIM IT

I left the company some months later
well, i wish i had a choice...unfortunately (or fortunately), the staff gets whatever the union gets.....so there is no reason to cry over raise....

well, i wish i had a choice...unfortunately (or fortunately), the staff gets whatever the union gets.....so there is no reason to cry over raise....


I've never been in a union, I'm too young, Margaret Thatcher put paid to them before I could ever get a card. I suppose its better than being divided and conquered - or in my experience hung, drawn and quartered.


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