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Root Cause Analysis for Non-Conformities After BRCGS Audit

Started by , Sep 24 2024 09:53 AM
5 Replies

Hello everybody. Im a newbie in BRCGS standard, we just been audited and has some NC, and we stuck in find out root cause analysis, if has any idea, please give me some advice. Many thanks.

1. Missing lid washing step in the flow diagram

2. Not clearly identify potential physic hardzard at lid washing

3. Label of chlorine is from trader, not mentioned to original manufacture. (we has fully doccument cofomity from manufacture)

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are you a packaging company? 

1 Thank



Can you please share more details.. BRC food safety/ packaging ? and what food category / packaging 

1 Thank



Can you please share more details.. BRC food safety/ packaging ? and what food category / packaging 

We produce canned marine fish

are you a packaging company? 

We produce canned marine fish

what kind of lid ? - equipment / packaging ?

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