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Quality policy communication and understanding

Started by , Today, 06:59 AM
1 Reply




How we could Ensure that the quality policy is communicated, understood?


There is some example or KPI that we can give to the auditor as a evidence that everbody understand our quaity policy?


and what about communication? it should be via screens, boards, trainings? or what exactly?




Thank you for your help

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Hi Fouziak ;) 


as of BRC issue 9 - Clause 1.1.1 


The policy statement is only a summary and can usually be expressed in a single page, 


  • communication to staff (e.g. through display on noticeboards, inclusion in the induction process, availability on the company intranet, and the use of appropriate languages where the local language is not the first language of all employees. The use of dual languages may improve and speed up understanding and action
  • inclusion of all staff, including temporary and contract staff, in the communication and engagement processes



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