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Is IFSQN HACCP Training Accredited by the International HACCP Alliance?

Started by , Sep 15 2024 07:09 PM
2 Replies

I recently performed an audit of a supplier on behalf of a retailer and when I requested the HACCP team leader's certification, he shared a HACCP training certificate from IFSQN. Question: is your HACCP training accredited by the International HACCP Alliance?


Thank you

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I am not with IFSQN, however, I do not believe the training to be alliance accredited.

I recently performed an audit of a supplier on behalf of a retailer and when I requested the HACCP team leader's certification, he shared a HACCP training certificate from IFSQN. Question: is your HACCP training accredited by the International HACCP Alliance?


Thank you


Hi Michael M,




Welcome to the IFSQN forums.


For Food Safety (HACCP) Team Leaders we would recommend Advanced HACCP Training which is typically 24 to 40 hours in duration.


The IFSQN provides a Practical HACCP Training for Food Safety Teams Webinar which is great value HACCP training at only $97 per person.


Given IFSQN’s reputation and the fact we have trained thousands of people we believe that any accreditation would only add unnecessary cost. 


The training is suitable for Food Safety (HACCP) Team Members as per the requirements of GFSI benchmarked standards.


All trainees receive copies of the course contents which the person in question should have been able to show you - we pack a quite a lot into the four hours of training, there are in fact over 600 slides split over 6 presentations:


1. Introduction to HACCP

2. Types of Contamination

3. Definitions

4. Good Hygienic Practices/Good Manufacturing Practices

5. HACCP Principles and Developing a HACCP/Food Safety Plan

6. How the FSMA affects HACCP - Hazard Identification, Evaluation and Preventive Controls


An online test consisting of 30 multiple choice questions covering the topics taught in the course follows. Trainees receive an IFSQN Academy HACCP Certificate on passing.


The course is suitable for food handlers, supervisors, managers and HACCP team members working in food manufacturing, food packaging, food handling, food storage or food distribution operations.


Customer Reviews here



The training can be taken via the previous recording or live webinar, the next live training is Tuesday, October 22, 2024.


Kind regards,



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