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How Does FSSC 22000 Address Trade Products in Its Certification Scope?

Started by , Aug 02 2024 08:36 AM
1 Reply

Hello all,


We are looking into switching from BRC to FSSC22000.

We do a lot of production but we also have trade products.

Currently in our BRC scope, trade products are mentioned and also checked during an audit.

How does FSSC handle this?

Is this fully outside of the scope?


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Hi Gilles,


I don’t believe you will have much joy with FSSC 22000 regarding traded products.


For the scopes included in the FSSC 22000 certification scheme, Trading is in Category FII Brokering/Trading/E-commerce

Included activities: Buying and selling products on its own account without physical handling or as an agent for others of any item that enters the food chain


From IFSQN member Nalathu in this topic How to add trading products to scope:

‘I have directly contacted the control body… FSSC 22000 does not allow to certify any product as a trading product.’


Kind regards,



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