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Finished Product Description in specifications

Started by , Jul 31 2024 05:26 PM
2 Replies

Hi, we just had our SQF audit and an NC given was this;   My question is how to incorporate the phys, chemical, and micro into this. We are a food contact packaging plant (deli waxed paper etc.) Please help!! I believe we have provided all the necessary info for our product.

FS-2350-01 Finished product specifications, The auditor reviewed the finished product specifications, FS-2350-01-A, for the interfolded which provides description description, intended use, shelf-life, raw materials used, packaging, handling of end products, and groups or users/consumers. The last update May 08, 2024. There is no description of the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the finished products, and artwork requirements


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What was the wording of the non-conformance? Send us what they wrote and what section the NC was for.


Hi Setanta! Sorry I didn't realize that was so grouped. I copied the auditor response the NC# is SQF Code ed.9. What I have in bold and underlined is what we currently have. He wants a description of the chemical, physical and micro. I have no idea what that could be for food contact paper? Or how to word that in our product description. I feel it's overkill.




FS-2350-01 Finished product specifications, The auditor reviewed the finished product specifications, FS-2350-01-A, for the interfolded which provides description description, intended use, shelf-life, raw materials used, packaging, handling of end products, and groups or users/consumers. The last update May 08, 2024. There is no description of the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the finished products, and artwork requirements

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