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Number of Actionable Process Steps

Started by , Yesterday, 03:41 PM
1 Reply

We are a contract manufacturer of dietary supplements and I am re-writing our Food Defense Plan. Our old one is out dated and quite frankly not compliant. Is there a minimum or maximum number of actionable process steps that we should have based on the number of overall production process steps we have?


For example - For encapsulation, we have 19 process steps but after going through each one i believe only 3 of them fit the FDA's definition of an actionable process step. 


Just looking for some suggestions or guidance

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Have you tried using FDA's Mitigation Strategies Database?

If you find the process step here, it will likely be considered an actionable process step.




This is the GMP Guidance for 2022.



On page 11 it mentions mitigation strategies that cover all process steps.

(ex: background checks for all employees)

You could mention any of the comprehensive strategies for the 16 steps that you didn't define as actionable.

This was acceptable in my previous audits.

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