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Flour Inline Magnet Industry Standard

Started by , Jul 23 2024 04:17 PM
2 Replies

Hello! I am wondering if anyone has a resource that could be used to validate our flour inline magnet using Lbf (pound-force) rather than gauss. We had a 3rd party test our magnet this year rather than using a gauss meter, however the results are only in Lbf and I can't find any kind of industry standard that is not measure in gauss. 


For clarification - I am the QA Manager at a bakery processing plant and this is for SQF purposes. 


Thank you!

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I dont know of a gauss to pull strength calculator.   


Are you declaring the magnets as a CCP / PC and using something like MAGSEP article as a validation source?


Did they just measure pull strenght or did they measure the pull strenght, pole distance, product coverage, etc and give an opinion that the magnet is acceptable?  ie expert opinion validation.  


Gauss meters are not that expensive.  Keep in mind that 10,000 guass doesnt automaticallly make a magnet "validated"

I dont know of a gauss to pull strength calculator.   


Are you declaring the magnets as a CCP / PC and using something like MAGSEP article as a validation source?


Did they just measure pull strenght or did they measure the pull strenght, pole distance, product coverage, etc and give an opinion that the magnet is acceptable?  ie expert opinion validation.  


Gauss meters are not that expensive.  Keep in mind that 10,000 guass doesnt automaticallly make a magnet "validated"


This magnet is located inside the flour sifter but is not a CCP as we pass all finished product through a metal detector (CCP) before packing. They applied a digital force gauge to each section/bar of the magnet to measure and record the force. They did not measure anything else. They did provide a "Certificate of Performance Verification" but I am just worried our SQF auditor might ask "how do you know x lbf is acceptable?" 


We have used a gauss meter in the past which I can go ahead and use again, but then I'm stuck wondering what the point of having the 3rd party pull test would be?


Thank you!!

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