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ORP Calibration

Started by , Today, 03:17 PM
3 Replies

Good morning all, 


I'm looking for more assistance. We are currently having issues with our Flume Tank CCP. It is testing ORP in the Middle to High ranges of our limits, however we are having our free chlorine testing strips at far bellow allowed values. 0-3 is the usual after a few days from us adding chlorine tabs to it. I have suspicions that the ORP meter is out of calibration however the Ops manager is insistent that it is in calibration because he did it 2 months ago (this is besides the fact that our documentation made before I was hired has it at a monthly calibration). Is there a way to verify that it is not in calibration that is not using the testing strips? Additionally is there a way I can verify if the stabilizer rate could be causing this issue?


Unfortunately I do not think if I brought my concerns up to higher management at our location they would actually hear out my concerns. As I have been told twice now that "you are just looking for problems" be it Food Safety or Personnel Safety. (From broken support beams for the part that lifts bins into the dump tank to people being lifted up in the air by forklifts without proper safety equipment)


Thank you,


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I'm not experienced in this type of system, but I'd use your plant's SOP's to support your case.  If the test strips are your verification of the ORP meter's accuracy, I think you've got enough reason to question the ORP and look to recalibrate as a corrective action.  If it's a CCP and you're operating outside of it, that's a major no-no from not just a food safety standpoint but a regulatory one as well...

I'm not experienced in this type of system, but I'd use your plant's SOP's to support your case.  If the test strips are your verification of the ORP meter's accuracy, I think you've got enough reason to question the ORP and look to recalibrate as a corrective action.  If it's a CCP and you're operating outside of it, that's a major no-no from not just a food safety standpoint but a regulatory one as well...

I tried to explain that directly to the Ops Manager with Referencing the SOP however he does not listen. It doesn't help that the facility I am in has not had an actual Food Safety individual for over 4 years ( they were in title but the just cooked the books and I am dealing with the aftermath). We were recently purchased by a large company so I have plans to reach out to them about my concerns and hopefully they can make some decisions off of that. 


I do have the floor supervisor who is close to him trying to use the SOP directly to try to help him understand but I have major doubts about it. 


I appreciate the advice, I'm just honestly at wits end.

My advice would be to start the conversation with the new folks that bought your facility 


you will not change the current minds


HOWEVER--in the meantime, get a titration kit and use that NOT strips

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