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Management of suppliers of services

Started by , Today, 12:27 PM
4 Replies

BRC - Packaging Materials

Hi, I was looking for some help in understanding what is considered a supplier of a service. Is there a certain criteria that differentiate this from a visitor? Do these people not need to follow standard visitor policy?


Service suppliers that I have identified so far include laundry, pest control, fire alarm system maintenance, fire sprinkler system maintenance, air compressor maintenance, site security system maintenance, consultant, forklift maintenance, product transport/distribution.

I wasn't sure if these are all considered suppliers of services that should be included or if some of them could be simply "visitors".


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hi ; ) 


- pest control (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 

- laundry service 

- contracted cleaning (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 

- contracted servicing and maintenance of equipment (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2)  

- transport and distribution (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2)  

- off-site storage of packaging

- off-site packaging 

- laboratory testing 

- catering services (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 

- waste management (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 

- providers of product safety training (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 

- product / packaging safety consultants  (will visit your manufacture, must follow visitor policy and it is a good practice to attach the visitor policy in formal agreements / contracts (BRC 3.10.2) 



1 Thank

Would it be acceptable (and practical) to use a generic agreement form for all of the suppliers of services? Something that can be filled out and attached with the visitor policy?

should be ok, but please remember about different requirements , for example  waste carrier should be registered with Environmental agency and should hold waste carrier licence (UK, not sure about Canada), pest control should be a member of BPCA (British Pest control association) / not sure about Canada 



1 Thank

Would it be acceptable (and practical) to use a generic agreement form for all of the suppliers of services? Something that can be filled out and attached with the visitor policy?


Generic forms can certainly cover some things.  You probably expect them to follow your GMPs, confidentiality, and personnel safety programs or policies while in production areas.


Depending on the specific service some of the details might be bent or excepted.

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