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Witness Audit on an unannounced audit?!

Started by , Jun 26 2024 09:33 PM
5 Replies

We got notification today from our CB that, "We need to conduct a BRC Witness audit" as part of our unannounced audit.


Fine, whatever.


Our unannounced audit window opened on April 17th.  Today is June 26th.


Does it feel inappropriate to anyone that they're just now giving us this information after 60+ days of the audit window having been open?  Or am I just overthinking per usual.

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Says more about the CB than you that they are being witnessed (audited) by BRCGS

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CB's take the best next dates available for witness audits to get their new on boards up and running, it was just your turn this time around. It happens. 

They have probably only just been told themselves that this is happening, so they let you know straight away.

In truth certification bodies do not need to let sites know in advance if someone will be witnessing or observing etc - there are a few that do and massive respect for that.

I wouldn't say you are overthinking, but I would say you are likely working with a good certification body who is being open and transparent with you - at least as much as they are allowed to be with your upcoming audit.

Best of luck - hope it goes well!

I had one done before for SQF and wasn't alerted prior at all.  On the day of the audit the auditor showed up with another person and then they proceeded to tell me what was going on.  At least they gave you a heads up, cause it seems like they don't have to.

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We've had two and both times I was notified beforehand and told that if I didn't want them witness audit to happen, it didn't have to.

I don't mind at all honestly.   What's the difference?   It made no difference in my audit, and I think the auditor was pleased we were accommodating.

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