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Leak over finished product

Started by , Jun 25 2024 12:45 AM
10 Replies
I will start by saying this is a throw away account. I work at a place where ive had several issues, some i have posted here. While I am in the process of leaving, i have not found another job. I need opinions on a food safety issue. Lets say RTE product is placed in an area to freeze, the top is covered but not the sides. Lets say this freezer fails and ice starts defrosting and leaking on top of this finished product for a whole day. Food safety department was not notified so the leaking was seen in the middle of the day during the daily check. There have been previous issues of uncovered product in this freezer. Food safety places all the product under the leaks on hold and proceeds to try and place the packed product from that day on hold only for the ceo to prevent this.it was confirmed there was leaking all day. Product shipped that was potentially under the leak. In the moment i resigned because was told i needed to bend and let one go. I was made to feel i was exaggerating when explaining the risk. Feedback appreciated…
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Recall your thoughts and actions, write down everything (just in case.)  And that is about all you can do right now.


You could of course become a whistleblower, but that is up to you.


Good people never can bend, you did the right thing - it is their loss and you'll be an asset to another company that wants the best.  


Best to you.


You did the right thing!   Do not let the ignorant money hungry decision they made sway you one bit



The product is clearly at risk for multiple issues.   Keep on doing what you're doing.  Integrity is something you cannot get back

Good for you! I hope a facility with intercity calls you soon.

Recall your thoughts and actions, write down everything (just in case.) And that is about all you can do right now.

Best to you.

Thank you. My resignation wasnt accepted so i am going in just to finish documenting and officially resign.
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You did the right thing! Do not let the ignorant money hungry decision they made sway you one bit

The product is clearly at risk for multiple issues. Keep on doing what you're doing. Integrity is something you cannot get back

Thank you, I agree and am still in shock that despite going to other managers, i fought this alone. Hoping to find something soon

Resignation not accepted?!  Too bad...you resigned, they will have to deal with it.  Some companies are just crazy.  Good for you, I will echo what others have said, you did the right thing.


Thank you. My resignation wasnt accepted so i am going in just to finish documenting and officially resign.

Sounds like they don't understand how resignations work. I recommend collecting any emails that pertain to this situation (and even others that are similar) and downloading them on to a separate HDD/SDD. This way you can show that you were doing everything in your power to do the processes that were needed. Having a paper-trail is the best thing you can do for yourself in situations like this. 


I commend you for sticking to the right thing as it is a difficult thing to do when your livelihood can be on the line. I hope you find some place soon that appreciates your convictions and understand that a small loss in profits earlier is better than potentially losing everything. Unfortunately it seems like execs forgot what happened in 2008 with the Parnells 

I appreciate the responses and encouragement. Hoping to find something good soon! Bad places find it easy to gaslight you into thinking you dont know your stuff or that you are exaggerating which is why I turned to this forum for feedback.

Unfortunately it seems like execs forgot what happened in 2008 with the Parnells

The parnells kept popping into my mind!

The parnells kept popping into my mind!


Yep Stewie and his bro are still in prison for that one! Give them a copy of the PCA story... Food for thought!

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