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Supplier Quality SOP - Requirement for communication timeframe

Started by , Jun 24 2024 12:26 PM
3 Replies

We recently hired a new supplier quality specialist, and we are working on our companies Supplier Quality SOP. We are a contract manufacturer for dietary supplements. We have started to notice that the time frame for which suppliers respond back to requests such as asking them to fill out our questionnaires, send us their haccp plan for review, etc. varies, some respond immediately, and some require multiple follow ups to get a line of communication going.


Does anyone have a stipulation or clause in their plans that state if a supplier doesn't respond with the requested information after 30 days or if we have to ask more than 3 times for the information then the vendor will not be used? Or the vendor will be qualified at the lowest tier?


Would love to hear people's feedback on some of their qualification activities and requirements revolving around communication

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That is purely a business decision--i would involve the finance folks on that


We are in the same boat, but as we've streamlined our process, things have improved

I deal with a lot of the same.  It helps most often when we add a polite but bold note in the email with the attachments:  We please ask these forms be completed and returned by x date.  


As far as actually delisting or lowering their preference status, I'd expect lots of pushback from procurement and finance if we took such measures.  Not allowing them to buy from the cheapest vendors due to bad paperwork wouldn't be tolerated.  But when we run into problems, a meeting with the buyers and procurement people is usually helpful:  they know we don't want to get screwed in our third party audits, and they have a better relationship to convince them to give us the forms and records we want.

If you cannot purchase elsewhere, start early to get your documents.  Many of the smaller specialty manufacturers do not have the staff to respond immediately or even in 7 days.  If documents need to be reviewed and signed by QA Manager, this may take several days to weeks to complete.  Remember you are not their only customer.

Also, if the vendor is GFSI certified and sends you the audit as well as the certification, streamline the amount of documents you require, or allow them to skip most  sections of questionnaires. 


Many of our vendors do not fill out ANY questionnaires but supply us their standard documents.  It is our responsibility to go through them and make sure everything we need is there.  No use sending them multiple requests.

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