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Nonfood Processing Area?

Started by , Jun 18 2024 01:24 PM
3 Replies

Hi, I am trying to understand if my cleaning chemicals are alright for a food packaging plant. For example, I have CRC Super Citrus Degreaser which is marked as NSF Nonfood Compounds. Under the NSF documentation for this product it says "This product is acceptable for use in inedible product processing areas, nonprocessing areas, and/or exterior areas of food processing establishments (C1) provided that it is not used to mask odors resulting from unsanitary conditions, and that any characteristic odor or fragrance does not penetrate into an edible product area. When used on equipment that will be returned to a food processing area, the product must be completely washed off and rinsed with potable water before returning to the processing area."

We produce food packaging. The packaging isn't edible, and we do not have actual food in the facility. I struggle with finding/understanding what is considered safe for use within a food packaging plant, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.

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If the packging you produce touches food, you should consder it as food.   Where you are making packaing I would consider it a food processing area.   


It would  use a NSF certified cleaners/sanitiers rated for food contact  on equipment that touches or is in areas in close proximity of food packaging. ie A1,D1, D2 Etc.  i would not use a C1 on these.  It may be appropriate for other areas.  The same would apply to lubes. ie H1.   


While i thints good to use the NSF chemicals as much as you can (it just eliminate any questions), I dont think anyone is going to have an issue with moping /scrubbing the warehouse floor with a non NSF listed chemical in a packaing plant.

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We have rejected loads of packaging material because it smelled unusual.  


Looking at the SDS:


It appears to have fragrance or carrier solvents for it that are not suitable for product contact.

While I realize there is an allowance for using this in your facility, this product is not one we would use in your type of facility.


You can confirm use limitations and acceptable use by simply going to the safety/sales department in a chemical supply/sanitation supply company - Ecolab, etc.

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