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Consultancy Price

Started by , Jun 13 2024 07:06 PM
4 Replies

Hello all,

We are a small company and trying to get GMP certified. 

I got couple of quotes but it has become hard to decide.

Could you pease help me what could be the geniune price for GMP certification and hourly rate?



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Hard to base a price with general information.  I do consulting and my price is either per project or hourly.  If I do an hourly rate the actual rate depends on the scope of what is reasonably being asked to consult on.  Program writing is one rate, HACCP plans another, review or gap assessment, another rate, and so on.  I also breakdown all projected services in the agreement prior for visibility and acceptance.   


If can can provide more details I am sure this community can assist you further.  

Thank you Nwilson,

Its bakery producing muffines , cookies etc with 20 employess and 1 HACCP hpefully.


We want to have docuemntation and hourly price for consutancy.



I tried to send a personal message to give an overall general figure however you are not able to accept private messages (yet).  I am not providing services as this is a global forum and platform, however if you would like to discuss offline I am more than happy to do so.  

Wow, really hard to answer, for instance we do full SQF system builds, cap improvement analysis, recommendations, etc etc and pricing is based on a project and not on hourly - it's actually better for the client and that way there are no $$ surprizes down the line - one price for everything even if a project takes us longer than we anticipated and then we advance bill for travel/travel related expenses as a lump sum and refund that which is not used as we find that a number of consultants will pad their expenses as profit center.


We don't handle GMP stand-alone builds and don't offer major consulting projects in Canada.  But if we did I would imagine for a small bakery with 1 HACCP plan it would be somewhere around $15,000-20,000/XRP or XLM  


Hope that helps.

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