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Tablets glass condition register

Started by , May 27 2024 01:21 PM
6 Replies



We have a discussion regarding tablets, which are used in open products area. Line operators are using these tablets to register quality journals online and etc. Each tablet is included in glass and hard plastic register, checks are done once/month. We didn't had nonconformities during few year.

My question is - do we need to have daily tablets register, where operators would register condition of every tablet at the start and at the end of the shift (if glass is cracked/ damage/broken  or not) - or it's enough to have monthly check and description in program that if glass of tablets crack/breaks - they have to inform quality and production managers immediately ? 


Thank you in advance

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Tablets should be covered with protective stickers. The frequency of inspection should be based on the risk of breakage to determine the frequency of inspection

1 Thank



We have a discussion regarding tablets, which are used in open products area. Line operators are using these tablets to register quality journals online and etc. Each tablet is included in glass and hard plastic register, checks are done once/month. We didn't had nonconformities during few year.

My question is - do we need to have daily tablets register, where operators would register condition of every tablet at the start and at the end of the shift (if glass is cracked/ damage/broken  or not) - or it's enough to have monthly check and description in program that if glass of tablets crack/breaks - they have to inform quality and production managers immediately ? 


Thank you in advance


With the device being physically interacted with continuously or multiple times per shift I would expect the risk of failure to increase formal inspection rates to something significantly more often than monthly.  Beginning and end of shift seems reasonable for a high-touch item.


How often do they get cleaned and sanitized?  

I agree that a high touch item should be inspected more than monthly.  If performing daily pre-op checks you could add these to that inspection.  We have a large amount of glass dials and even if SQF didn't dictate the per shift inspection I still would have this in place due to the risk of breakage. 

A check at the start AND end of the shift seems a bit extra to me. If they're not being handled between the end and the start, there's no reason for both. I would drop that to a daily check.

Your surviving audits with the tablets on the monthly inspection, but if I were an auditor seeing them used near open product, I would argue that the monthly frequency is insufficient.  Same reason dials and buttons on processing equipment is normally checked pre/post operation as the risk of those glass and plastic items is more severe than an exit sign over a emergency use door.


If it were my facility, I would include them in a check-in/check-out procedure with other tools for each use, with a place to initial whether they are damaged or cracked at all.  Not only would that better satisfy the risk to me, it also provides some visibility for who might be responsible should one of these expensive devices become damaged.  And items checked more frequently than your monthly requirement can be removed from that checklist as long as they remain visible on your official register.

No need to change what is working. If you have no issue and the GFSI you are follow doesn't change, no need to change your monthly Glass and Brittle plastic checks. The only thing i am would be concerned about, is are they cleaned/sanitized daily to prevent cross contamination.

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