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Training and Verification

Started by , May 18 2024 04:29 AM
8 Replies

Hello all :)


How do ya'll go about doing training verification? Do you do it for each employee? 

For example if you do GMP training to all employees how do you verify and record that each employee is following training?


If any of you can share your training and training verifications forms that would be great.


I currently have the Employee Training Form with Date, Name, Signature and on the row below Date of Verification, Verified By, Observation Made/ Interview Question and Date of Re-training if needed. But I find this to be a lot of work for only 1 QA.


Before I had everything mentioned but not the "Observation Made/ Interview Question and Date of Re-training if needed" but auditor said I had to add what and how we were verifying. Attached is a picture and we are SQF.


Thank you.



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The attachment in question >.<

Attached Files

Used to run a QA department of one (me), and training records were always difficult for me to manage on my own.  Having a separate QA department was new for this company, and training had always been performed and monitored by the Primary Production Manager or Shift Managers.  To make us SQF compliant, I modified the programs to detail understanding of training (tests or verbal interview), made a place for the managers to mark which they had used, and made it a QA function to only review the training records monthly.  There was no way I could handle training for the production employees on my own, but I could outline a schedule for the production managers to follow and conduct training, then review what they'd done and keep our employee records up to date.  Worked well while I was still employed by that company.

1 Thank

The daily 'verification' of training is part of our sanitation operational inspection.  Compliance with GMP policies/training is part of what is being observed.  


On the left side of the form is a list of "Examples of Deficiencies" that outlines in very rudimentary terms a set of topics: employee practices, product handling, housekeeping procedures, food security/fraud, and pest control.  Under the employee practices are things like: clothing condition, GMPs, personal equipment, cross contamination, hand washing.  Our inspectors have been pleased with this sort of list of suggested items to review, and over the years a some have been added in response to problems or changes in regulation/standards.


On the right side is a set of fields for noting what time the operational inspections occurred, and room for deficiencies and their corrective actions to be detailed.


Most of the time it's just a few simple entries of a time and the statement "No deficiencies"

1 Thank

Used to run a QA department of one (me), and training records were always difficult for me to manage on my own.  Having a separate QA department was new for this company, and training had always been performed and monitored by the Primary Production Manager or Shift Managers.  To make us SQF compliant, I modified the programs to detail understanding of training (tests or verbal interview), made a place for the managers to mark which they had used, and made it a QA function to only review the training records monthly.  There was no way I could handle training for the production employees on my own, but I could outline a schedule for the production managers to follow and conduct training, then review what they'd done and keep our employee records up to date.  Worked well while I was still employed by that company.

Hi Jfrey123, 


Did the production manager/shift managers do all training? Like GMP, food safety, etc. or only certain types of training? I like this idea because I would prefer to verify the employees than to do the trainings. I am the one doing the trainings but someone else has to do the verification and I don't particularly like that. 

The daily 'verification' of training is part of our sanitation operational inspection.  Compliance with GMP policies/training is part of what is being observed.  


On the left side of the form is a list of "Examples of Deficiencies" that outlines in very rudimentary terms a set of topics: employee practices, product handling, housekeeping procedures, food security/fraud, and pest control.  Under the employee practices are things like: clothing condition, GMPs, personal equipment, cross contamination, hand washing.  Our inspectors have been pleased with this sort of list of suggested items to review, and over the years a some have been added in response to problems or changes in regulation/standards.


On the right side is a set of fields for noting what time the operational inspections occurred, and room for deficiencies and their corrective actions to be detailed.


Most of the time it's just a few simple entries of a time and the statement "No deficiencies"

Hi G M, 


Would you happen to have a template/example of this to share?  :helpplease: lol

I would like to try this.


Thank you. 

@QAKat, my PM/SM's were primary trainers for all new employees along with refresher trainings.  I supported him with the schedules and preparing materials, but they primarily led all trainings and got the signoffs done.  I served as the reviewer.  My position as a QA Supervisor in my QA Dept of One was brand new to this little family run company, so we tried to diversify as much as possible to include QA being involved in reviewing their existing practices and adapt as needed.

Quizzes and staff interviews that are documented during facility inspections.

After the initial training (which is recorded at the time of hire), we have an added section for employee knowledge of FS requirements in new employee weekly performance assessments. These are performed by trainers and supervisors weekly for the first 6 weeks of employment because our culture requires all employees to be aware of any and all violations of FS policies. After that, all employees are observed by supervisors and any deficiencies observed are reported and additional training is scheduled. Beyond that our annual refresher training is also recorder through sign-in sheets that have a description of the training conducted.

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