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Mandatory RCA for Internal Audit NCs?

Started by , May 15 2024 06:22 PM
3 Replies

I'm hoping someone can help clarify this for me.  My head is spinning at the moment....


During a BRCGS audit, the auditor insisted the RCA and preventive measures are required for all findings from internal audits, quoting clause 3.2.4.  It is my understanding through clause 3.3.3 that RCA is only mandatory for trends and items that place food safety, quality and legality at risk.  In a situation where an internal audit simply identified a specific SOP required additional information to fully meet clause requirements, does this necessitate full RCA?  I certainly understand that all NCs require correction, but don't agree that all require full RCA.


Hoping for clarification.



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I think this is the issue du jour---my auditor (SQF) tried to tell me that every deviation should have preventative measures----------ha!  If I know it's some random one off---I'm not wasting my time


HOWEVER-clause 3.7.1 does state that site procedures shall include the completion of RCA and implementation of preventive action


Doesn't mean I agree with the auditor (I do not)  as that would negate the purpose and scope of the IA


We may be looking at different versions--------I do not see a 3.2.4 in version 9???

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Scampi - sorry....I am referring to the S&D standard...not Food.  Apologies.


I appreciate your reply and insight.



I didn't look at which subset you had posted in----my bad!

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