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SQF - Specification

Started by , Apr 26 2024 03:40 PM
7 Replies

hello , 


I have a question I'm going over trying to understand SQF codes. 2.3.2 Specification  the part where I have a question is it says 


"A list of all the above specifications shall be maintained and kept current." 


is this the same as approved supplier list ? if someone can help me out on this thanks 

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this element is referring to your finished goods specifications, not incoming materials


completely separate from the approved supplier  (which is a list of vendors, NOT materials)

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thanks for the help 

Create a finished product register and list the applicable food safety plan for each as well as a reviewed date for the specifications.  Attached is a copy of what we use.  

Attached Files

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thanks this help 

now that I'm reading the top Specifications for raw materials, auxiliary packaging materials, processing aids, printed materials, finished products, and contract services shall be reviewed as changes occur that impact product safety. Records of reviews shall be maintained.

Hi miissreg,


I can see there has been some confusion:


Clause refers to Finished product specifications.


‘A list of all the above specifications shall be maintained and kept current’ is from the next clause and does apply to raw materials and packaging, chemicals, processing aids, contract services, and finished products.


Kind regards,



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