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Pecan, Almond and Other Nut Storage

Started by , Apr 11 2024 08:27 PM
8 Replies

We are a storage and distribution warehouse and have recently taken on a new customer with bulk tree nuts, peacans, almonds, etc. among many other allergens.    I know/believe that peanuts are considered their own allergen but are we within BRCGS standards to store peacans above almonds or vice versa and the same with other tree nuts?   I would not in a perfect world but with the ebs and flows of customer goods by allergen type it would be much easier to be able to group like tree nuts together and store them interchangeably overtop of each other in racking?  Any input would be appreciated.

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Generally tree nuts can be stored over, under, side to side, etc and peanuts in their own special place.


We however use allergen coding lights on the racks - thus each item is coded and must match up with the color tabs on each box and pack, so almonds are never over anything else but almonds, coconut same, brazil nuts same, etc etc 


Happy to say we are not using peanuts in the new facility.

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Hi Glen,


I appreciate the insight.    I feel like we can get away with Pecans over almonds or almonds over pecans if thats the only option we have.


I'd prefer to have each allergen only be over that same exact allergen but with the tree nuts and storage we have it would really help us to be able to mix the tree nut storage.


thank you


I second storing all the tree nuts together as they're all the same hazard, never had an auditor question the practice.

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Different types of tree nut are within the same allergenic group, so yes you can store one above the other

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I second storing all the tree nuts together as they're all the same hazard, never had an auditor question the practice.


exactly, same here. But almond flour (powder) we store separately but away from standard flour, at the bottom in nut section.

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I second storing all the tree nuts together as they're all the same hazard, never had an auditor question the practice.


Are they?  I thought they were each their own separate allergies.  I know people allergic to walnuts, cashews, and pecans but are okay with almonds, pistachios, and coconuts.  

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Are they?  I thought they were each their own separate allergies.  I know people allergic to walnuts, cashews, and pecans but are okay with almonds, pistachios, and coconuts.  


For regulatory purposes, not medical.  Although you will see a great deal of cross reactivity most of the time -- and this is why the regulations for most jurisdictions just lump them all together.


Out of some kind of laziness the regulators also lump things like coconut in with tree nuts, even though it has more in common with a peach or cherry than any kind of nut, and cross reactivity is very rare.  

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For regulatory purposes, not medical.  Although you will see a great deal of cross reactivity most of the time -- and this is why the regulations for most jurisdictions just lump them all together.



Actually very uncommon.  It's borne out of old fashioned advice doctors would have given 20 years ago to "avoid all nuts" if one allergy was found.  In reality most people only have allergies to one or two.  Some are more related than others, e.g. walnuts and pecans.


I have a child with a specific tree nut allergy and I'd be really happy if more people in food safety were aware of this as I wasn't trained in this detail despite my job.  It's gradually changing in the UK now with the specific nut being detailed where there is a potential cross contact risk for many manufacturers, but that's not a legal requirement, you're right.


So if it's about ticking a box, yeah but if you're really wanting to protect food safety, be super careful on assuming Tree nuts are one category.

(But yes, the approach with Coconut in the US is bonkers.  It's a drupe.)


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