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Allowable Preservative Levels in Foreign Countries (specifically South Korea)

Started by , Apr 09 2024 04:07 PM
2 Replies

Hi! We are looking to sell syrups and cocktail mixers in South Korea, and I am having difficulty getting clarification on the allowable levels of potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate for these products. I've looked at KFDA documents, but they do not specifically call out the products we are looking to sell. Do you know of a good source for this type of information?

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Good practice is to check out the country where the food will be used. Because, when you introduce the product in the market, you need to meet their regulatory requirement. 


In the US, FDA has the following: 

Sec. 582.3640 Potassium sorbate.

(a) Product. Potassium sorbate.

(b) Conditions of use. This substance is generally recognized as safe when used in accordance with good manufacturing or feeding practice.


Sec. 582.3733 Sodium benzoate.

(a) Product. Sodium benzoate.

(b) Tolerance. This substance is generally recognized as safe for use at a level not exceeding 0.1 percent in accordance with good manufacturing or feeding practice.



Sayed M Naim Khalid

FSQA Professional 

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