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Customer labeling of frozen pizza

Started by , Mar 22 2024 06:30 PM
1 Reply

Hello - am new to labeling area. we’re getting into frozen pizza Deli business. We will top with a handful of toppings here (meat and non-meat), and the customer will add toppings and add their own final label. what the regulatory requirements are for sending product like that out to customer.


  • Do we need to label every single pizza or just master case? If every pizza, can we just label the film or the carton itself?
  • What needs to be on that label? I am assuming statement (with allergens), but what about cook instructions or any other info? It’s my understanding that the customer will provide final cook instructions, and we will not be doing any on the lightly topped “blanks” we send out.
  • Do we need to button up traceability with customers? How will they be able to trace back to our lot number if they’re removing the film?

thanks everyone, am lost here.

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I'd say case level labeling is fine.  You're creating a mass-produced product intended for future processing, not something for direct consumption.  You'll need a spec that covers the version of this unfinished pizza you're providing (I'd put a CYA statement about "not intended for direct sale to consumers" or something), case labeling and traceability information, but you don't need to label the individual pies with nutritional information and product descriptions.

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