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Best Practice for Record Filing

Started by , Mar 22 2024 07:00 AM
1 Reply

Hi all, 


I'm thinking to re-arranged all record into individual file at one's shelf so that it's looks neat. . Any idea how your guys normally keep the record ; arrange based on alphabet, frequency of record use and so on   for easy identification and retrievable. 

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I think there is a whole lot of prference involved in answering your questions.   Even some site specific considerations.   


You are correct.   The goal should be easily identifyable and retrievable.  What works for me or others may not work for you.  


I always prefered putting records in binders.   one binder for sanitation, one binder of incoming inspections, one binder for CCPs/pcs, etc  I would keep an entire years worth of records in a binder and then remove anything older from time to time.  

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