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As per SQF are employees allowed to have neckless or anything hanging around their neck?

Started by , Mar 20 2024 04:05 PM
6 Replies



As per SQF is employees allowed to have neckless or anything hanging around their neck?

As per SQF are employees allowed to have fake nails, nail paint? 


Thank you, 


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I don't believe there is an exact prescript on necklaces - however, having seen the aftermath of a person that was pulled into a automatic slicer because they had a necklace on was grounds enough to never allow an employee to have any necklaces, earings, lanyards, etc and as far as fake nails and nail paint - it can be the source of foreign contamination into or around product and frankly the chemicals used in nail paint are almost always carcinogenic and counter to what should be allowed in a food facility.


By the way, the person with the necklace lost half their face, ear, etc - what a mess.



Necklaces and fake nails are not allowed.

I suggest you take some time and read the full SQF code. Many of your questions are clearly answered.



For example, on page 65 states "Jewelry and other loose objects shall not be worn or taken into a food handling or processing operation or into any area where food is exposed."


I find it is easiest to print the entire code and highlight areas that will need work.

It is much more efficient and allows you to plan for ALL areas of improvement.


Thank you guys.

We allow lanyards for badges only if they are the pull-away kind and kept under the smock. 

Even as a packaging manufacturer we don't allow any jewelry of any kind except a plain band with no stones and we push for silicone types if a person must wear one. definitely no false nails or eyelashes and no nail polish at all. If a person forgets to remove it before coming to work we supply acetone to remove it or they wear a nitrile glove that shift and must remove it before their next shift.

Funny/Not funny story from working in packaging, the one place I worked out my boss, the VP of Quality had painted nails the day of a big customer visit with the customer's food safety and quality people.  I had mentioned before they came that she can't be out on the floor with her nails painted, to which I got a nasty remark back and how dare I say something to her.  10 minutes into the tour with the customer, they all asked her why she was allowed out on the floor with fingernail polish, she turned bright red and excused herself and came back with gloves on.  It was very hard to contain my smile lol.


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