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Testing Peppers and Onions for Heavy Metals and Pesticides

Started by , Mar 13 2024 06:56 PM
1 Reply

We had one of our co-packers inspect our facility and one of their suggestions was that we needed additional testing on incoming frozen peppers and onions for heavy metals and pesticides.


They said FDA had determined Chinese sourced vegetables as a great risk for contamination. They recommended I refer to the FDA standard for peppers and onions or related guidance documents to determine testing limits. 

I'm looking though Title 21 Subchapter B and I do not see any further information on testing limits for peppers and onions. 


Could someone point me to the relevant FDA literature? Or any guess what he might be referring to? 


All insight appreciated! 

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There is always some risk with plant products and heavy metals and pesticides.   see apendix 1.   Probably is a little more concern of products coming from china.  I dont know about GREAT risk.  


I would review the import alerts and subscribe to them.   


It would probably be prudent to do some testing.    





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