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FDA registration for suppliers

Started by , Jan 24 2024 09:01 AM
2 Replies

HI everyone!

FDA will be conducting an audit of our facility in the near future. We are trader company based outside the USA and export dry finished food items purchased from local suppliers, to the United States. We currently hold an FDA Food Facility Registration for our facility. Could you kindly confirm whether FDA Food Facility Registration is mandatory for our local suppliers as well?


Thank You!

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IFAIK, in Canada a company does not need to carry FDA registration if it's not exporting directly to US. One of my companies is in the same situation: they manufacture products for another company who exports those products to US - so, my company doesn't need to be FDA registered. However, I'm not sure about other countries: they might have different legislation RE: exporting to US.

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Thank you very much for your reply Olenazh!

If anyone know about the India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Germany, please let me know. 


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