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Supplier Traceability BRCGS 3.7.5 using ISO9001 8.5.2

Started by , Jan 20 2024 02:33 AM
3 Replies

Has anyone used ISO9001 (Clause 8.5.2 Indentification and Traceability) to satisfy the Supplier Traceability 3.7.5 Clause? 


Also, I've seen other people say that you only need to satisfy 3.7.5 if you used a supplier questionnaire for section 3.7.2.  Is this true?



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Hi packman156,


ISO 9001 Clause 8.5.2 Identification and traceability wouldn’t cover BRCGS Packaging Clause 3.7.5. You need to satisfy 3.7.5 full stop, if you used a supplier questionnaire then you needed to verify the supplier’s traceability system on first approval. Otherwise the supplier’s traceability system would have been verified as per Clause 3.7.2 by a valid certification to the applicable Global Standard or GFSI-benchmarked standard or a supplier audit, with a scope to include product safety, traceability, HARA review and good manufacturing practices.


Details of relevant requirements below, ISO 9001 Clause 8.5.2 doesn’t mention supplier.


ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems — Requirements

8.5.2    Identification and traceability

The organization shall use suitable means to identify outputs when it is necessary to ensure the conformity of products and services.

The organization shall identify the status of outputs with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements throughout production and service provision.

The  organization  shall  control  the  unique  identification  of  the  outputs  when  traceability  is  a requirement, and shall retain the documented information necessary to enable traceability.


BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 6 Clause 3.7.5:

The company shall ensure that its suppliers of raw materials have an effective traceability system. Where a supplier has been approved based on a questionnaire instead of certification or audit, verification of the supplier’s traceability system shall be carried out on first approval and then at least every 3 years. This may be achieved by a traceability test.


Kind regards,



Thanks Tony.  Just for clarification.  Proof of traceability is only needed for 3.7.5 if I used a questionnaire to satisfy 3.7.2.  Is this correct?



Thanks Tony.  Just for clarification.  Proof of traceability is only needed for 3.7.5 if I used a questionnaire to satisfy 3.7.2.  Is this correct?




Hi packman156,


Obviously 3.7.5 is tied in with 3.7.2, the evidence you need to comply with 3.7.5 supplier traceability is:


A valid certification to the applicable Global Standard or GFSI-benchmarked standard (you must confirm the validity of the certification and that that the materials purchased are within the scope of the certification).


Or a supplier audit, with a scope to include product safety, traceability, HARA review and good manufacturing practices (you need to obtain and review a copy of the full audit report).


Or verification of the supplier’s traceability system (carried out on first approval and then at least every 3 years) when you approve a supplier via a supplier questionnaire.


Kind regards,



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