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SQF Practitioner Question

Started by , Jan 16 2024 05:19 PM
4 Replies

Good day, all! 

I am working on taking over the quality department and becoming the SQF practitioner for our company as the previous one will be transitioning to an offsite role. 

I received the Mastering SQF, Edition 9: Food Manufacturing Certificate of Completion back in 2021 from Registrar-Corp. I decided that I would use their services again and went to sign up for their course for the "SQF Practitioner Training & Implementation Package" which includes the Mastering SQF training I already completed. 

I thought this course would be enough, but Code 9 mentioned HACCP Training which isn't included in this "Training and Implementation Package". 

Since I have the Mastering SQF Certification, do I just need to take the HACCP training to cover all my bases? We are a small business, so saving a little money in this department would be nice. :) 

If you have any suggestions on who has a good HACCP training course, let me know!  Would a "basic HACCP" training fulfill the need, or do I need to look into the Advance HACCP training?

Thank you!


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I took a 2-day HACCP course online. Since it was my first one, I am sure it was not advanced, and it has been sufficient for our certification.

Answer:  it depends lol.  Everyone offering these types of courses labels them various ways, so it's hard to determine when their so called basic HACCP is acceptable or if the so called advanced is required.  Try looking to see if they call out the time of training:  if basic is 2 hours and advanced is 16, I'd bet that the basic is the general overview type course many of us build in house for standard production employees.  Keep in mind SQF code requires practitioners have HACCP training that is two days in duration with an assessment for understanding.


My original HACCP training was two 6-hour days in a classroom.  I recently was given PCQI training, and that course included HACCP material sufficiently to qualify as HACCP certification too.  We've opted for the PCQI route for our plant QA managers as it satisfies SQF and FDA FSMA requirements (may not apply the same way if you're manufacturing elsewhere).

You need certified HACCP training.  And if you aren't and your site doesn't have anyone who is (and whomever will be the site's main internal auditor), you need to be have a certified Internal auditing course as well. 

you can take the basic HACCP but make sure you take one that is 16hours. Our backup practitioner has a 9 hour HACCP training and advise that we need to have 16 hours for the SQF practitioner and the backup practitioner as well.

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