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Metal Detection for Mac and Cheese Cartons Containing Foil Pouches

Started by , Jan 10 2024 08:17 PM
5 Replies



We are a dried pasta manufacturer who sometimes manufacture Macaroni and Cheese cartons with an enclosed seasoning pouch.  One of our clients prefers a seasoning pouch that is foil lined.  This would create issues with running this product through our metal detector and putting the pouches in after metal detection is not an option.  Does anyone have experience with a similar issue or possible solution?


Thank you!


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X-ray.  If you have metallized film, high salt content etc. those sorts of things don't cause the same kinds of problems for x-ray inspection.


Call up one of the big manufacturer's or a vendor in your area, they can help narrow down which type of instrument could handle your product.

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Agree that Xray could be an excellent option. Do you have good magnets upstream of packaging as well, as an additional preventitive measure?

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X-ray inspection systems offer an efficient way to detect foreign objects in food products. By implementing X-ray checks, we can drastically reduce the risk of contamination and guarantee the safety of consumers.

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Hi :)


We are making biscuits, we have two clients who required foil. We called metal detector calibration people to help, they changed the sensitivity, programmed and we are currently using Fe 2.0 mm, Non-Fe 3.0 mm and SS 5.5 mm. QA team validated / challenged metal detectors with different products with Fe 1.5 mm, Non-Fe 2.5 mm and SS 5.0 mm but unfortunately they were undetected. 


X-ray is great but then a bit expensive, but all dependent on factory orders



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Most of the major metal detector manufactures have an aluminum pouch metal detector now.  Might also be worth looking into.  


Or a gravity / vertical detector for the product going into the foil pouch.  


X-ray also solves the problem.  Your options depend on $ and space available.  

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