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SQF Ed. 9 Internal Audits and Inspections SOP Example

Started by , Dec 14 2023 06:05 PM
1 Reply

Hello, Everyone. 

My facility is wanting to get SQF Certified, and we currently have an internal audit / inspection system in place. I was wondering if anyone was able to share their SOP for 2.5.4 Internal Audits and Inspections, so I can compare mine?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you!

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Hi pkinczko,




Welcome to the IFSQN forums.


Your procedure should be in line with 2.5.4 Internal Audits and Inspections (Mandatory), the main elements are:


The methods and responsibility for scheduling and conducting internal audits shall be documented and implemented.

Internal audits shall be conducted in full and at least annually and all applicable requirements of the SQF Food Safety Code need to be audited per the SQF audit checklist or a similar tool.

Objective evidence is recorded to verify compliance and/or non-compliance.

Corrective and preventative actions of deficiencies identified are undertaken.

Audit results are communicated to relevant management personnel and staff responsible for implementing and verifying corrective and preventative actions.

Staff conducting internal audits shall be trained and competent.

Where practical, staff conducting internal audits shall be independent.

Regular inspections of the site and equipment shall be planned and carried out

Records of internal audits and inspections and any corrective and preventative actions taken as a result of internal audits shall be recorded as per 2.5.3.

Changes implemented from internal audits that have an impact on the site's ability to deliver safe food shall require a review of applicable aspects of the SQF System.


Kind regards,



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