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How to reply to an SQF nonconformance for mice droppings?

Started by , Dec 13 2023 05:02 PM
2 Replies

hi everyone,


auditor found mouse droppings during his inspection now its a minor.


I found pest activity as well spoke to management and pest control. the building needs maintenance and repairs in order for pest control to work.


what should i write in reply to minor/non-conformance sqf audit.







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You will need to document all the steps the pest control agency took, detail everything your company has taken to block access to the building and document how often you will monitor it.
You will probably need to step up your pest control visits to weekly, and you should do a separate check of the areas affected where the droppings were found.
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Reply that you have developed a corrective action plan which focuses on the following key areas:

1. Pest Control Measures: We will immediately contact our pest control service provider to conduct a thorough inspection of our premises and implement necessary measures to eliminate any existing infestations and prevent future occurrences.

2. Sanitation Practices: We will review and reinforce our current cleaning and sanitation procedures to ensure that all areas are properly cleaned and maintained regularly. This includes the implementation of more stringent cleaning schedules and the use of appropriate cleaning agents.

3. Staff Training: We will conduct specialized training sessions for all staff members involved in food handling and facility maintenance. This training will emphasize the importance of maintaining a clean and pest-free environment, as well as the proper procedures for identifying and reporting any signs of pest activity.

4. Regular Audits: We will implement a more frequent audit schedule to ensure ongoing compliance with pest control and sanitation protocols. These audits will be carried out by both internal and external auditors to maintain a thorough and unbiased assessment of our facility's cleanliness and pest control management.

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