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Is there a site that lists auditors and rates them?

Started by , Dec 13 2023 04:20 PM
7 Replies

Is there a site that lists auditors and rates them?  Strict, helpful, rude, sneaky, fair, etc.  Do the GFSI schemes post auditor scores minus the facility names?

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Not a bad idea for an app. GFSI doesn't do anything like that to my knowledge.

It had better be anonymous!   Lol...

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oh gee, that would be a wild west show indeed! Shoot em up boys!


Seriously, when I was a hotel inspector, a private group of about 100 hotel owners in New England started a rating page which they distributed on our company reservation system with pictures of the Auditors (the inspections were all no notice, so the pictures and names would give them either immediate alerts or at least 10 hours if the auditor stayed overnight and was going to start the audit in the morning.


I remember discovering the list, yup with my photo on it and the first line said - nice guy, very helpful, represents brand and company well - that was the nice part, right under that it showed how many I failed and passed within the last 90 days and number of adverse issues - man they got detailed!!!


I don't think it would be fair to have something like that at all - a great auditor could easily be screwed into the ground while a spineless audtor could be rated high because he/she gives free get out of jail cards left and right.

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Hi packman156,


That sounds like a good idea but I guess would be an ideal opportunity for some retribution from some sites  ;)


I know I wouldn’t be topping any lists in certain countries after having at least one government complain that I hadn’t approved one of their manufacturing sites  :smile: And yes I am still adamant that spray dryers should have a complete intact roof and be adequately pest proofed.


Moving on, to be fair to GFSI they do have a fair few requirements for benchmarked certification schemes regarding auditor competence and behaviour in GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020.1 Part II – Requirements for the Management of Certification Programmes in Section 4: Certification Bodies Personnel as listed below.


4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4 Certification Body Personnel Competence

4.5 Certification Body Personnel Competence: Certification Personnel

4.6 Auditors Behaviour

The Certification Programme Owner shall ensure that the Certification Bodies have a system in place to ensure auditors conduct themselves in a professional manner. This shall be evaluated through a defined witness audit process confirming acceptable auditor performance as specified by the Certification Program Owner.

The following includes examples of required personal attributes and behaviour:

• Ethical; i.e. fair, truthful, sincere, honest and discreet, • Open minded; i.e. willing to consider alternative ideas or points of view,

• Diplomatic; i.e. tactful in dealing with people, • Observant; i.e. actively aware of physical

surroundings and activities,

• Perceptive; i.e. instinctive, aware of and able to understand situations,

• Versatile; i.e. adjusts readily to different situations,

• Tenacious; i.e. persistent, focussed on achieving objectives, • Decisive; i.e. timely conclusions based on logical reasoning,

• Self-reliant; i.e. acts independently whilst interacting effectively with others,

• Integrity; i.e. aware of need for confidentiality and observes professional codes of conduct.

4.7 Auditors’ Scopes of Activity

4.8 Auditors’ Industry Experience

4.9 Auditors Training

4.10/4.10.2 Initial Auditor Qualification

4.11 Scope Extension of Auditor Activities

4.12/4.13/4.14/4.15 Maintenance of Auditor Skills and Competence

4.16 Auditor Register

The Certification Programme Owner shall have in place a register of approved auditors including the details of the auditors’ compe- tence, education, relevant experience and scope(s) of activities, and applicable Certification Bodies. The register shall remain current and be made available to GFSI during the office visit.


Also note, Table 1: GFSI sector and sub-sector scopes for recognition and the associated competence of auditors provides information on required education and required work experience for each industry sector.


Kind regards,



1 Thank

Not a bad idea for an app. GFSI doesn't do anything like that to my knowledg

Thanks for the great idea.

Idea is great but risky for the auditors.

Thanks for the great idea.

Run with it! I am in no position to make that happen, but you could name it for me! LOL

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