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SQF Quality Code

Started by , Dec 01 2023 05:27 PM

shield/logo is acceptable to cover this.


As a side note - SQF used to have LEVELS, wtih the +Quality being Level 3. One can not go directly to the +Qualty designation, need to go first to getting SQF certified, then get about a year under your belt of working toward Quality and request upgrading via your CB prior to your next audit.  

2 Replies



My company is looking to jump from no GFSI scheme to SQF lvl 3. I am very familiar with the requirements of the food safety module, but I am new to the quality code.


One question I have so far is in relation to of the quality code:

Identification shall include a statement of the product’s identity preserved status of all ingredients, including additives, preservatives, processing aids, and flavorings.


All of our products are certified as Kosher and carry the logo of the certifying body to communicate as such to our consumers. Is this considered a sufficient "statement" for this element, or would we need to modify our label to also include a statement affirming the product and all its inputs are Kosher?


Thank you for any clarification you can provide.

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shield/logo is acceptable to cover this.


As a side note - SQF used to have LEVELS, wtih the +Quality being Level 3. One can not go directly to the +Qualty designation, need to go first to getting SQF certified, then get about a year under your belt of working toward Quality and request upgrading via your CB prior to your next audit.  

Thank you for the clarification! It's very much appreciated.

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