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Allan Sayle's Comment: Air Travel and Terrorism

Started by , Aug 13 2006 06:59 PM
1 Reply
'Is your journey necessary?' is a question posed to all during World War 2 so that unnecessary stresses on national resources would be avoided. As one awakes today, August 10, 2006, one is greeted with news of a foiled plot allegedly designed to destroy aircraft in mid-flight over the Atlantic Ocean. One finds oneself asking that WW2 question and considers every potential air traveler and business ought to ask it as well.

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Air Travel and Terrorism
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Regardless of the new terror threat Allan's article makes me somewhat glad I've not had a foreign holiday for the past five years.

And whilst on the subject of travel how about if we send all of the people who want to fight to Antarctica and leave the rest of us 'normal' people to share a beer and watch the fireworks?

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