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Glass and Brittle Plastic Register

Started by , Nov 10 2023 08:27 PM
3 Replies

Hi everyone,


I am posting for the first time on this forum hope to get some clarification. In the past I have visited the forum many a times looking for answers and was never disappointed. 


WE have our SQF audit shortly and I am working on reviewing our Glass and Brittle Plastic Register, but I am a bit confused? We are a co-packing industry and we are SQF Certified. We are using Laptops, Hand held scanners, Zebra printers and I pads on the production floor and all these items we have included in our Glass and Brittle Plastic Register. Need some guidance from the Experts as I am not totally sure if their screens are glass or even Brittle plastic. But we do know their screens can break/ shatter if something was to happen. I am not able to find the exact material these screens are made of so we have them marked as " Glass".  Should I leave them as such there? Can an auditor find it as too much glass on the production floor? Our operation otherwise is low risk as we do not have open food. 


Thanks for the help!



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Normally most screens are a form of a composite plastic, rarely glass - with that said certain computer screens are layered in a combination of glass and plastic.


Most hand held andriods and i-phones are either Rhino Glass or similar and also there are plastic and glass layered.


We use handhelds on the floor and all are registered under GLASS - of course the housing itself is plastic - however the likiihood of the screen breaking/shattering is much greater than the housing.


I think where you have it registered under glass is just fine and no an auditor will not be find it "too much glass" -- what they will do however is be checking that everything is accounted for every day, on the register, etc.

Glass will be OK I think, but where you can give them some protection, do! ☺️

Hi Anudeep,




Welcome to the IFSQN forums.


What you are doing seems fine if you are checking them regularly and recording your checks. You could change the register title to “Brittle Materials” if you are not sure exactly what material is, the important thing is to have them logged and checking them. As AJL posted a thin flexible plastic protective cover would be a good idea, especially if this is an area with open product.


Kind regards,



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