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Craft soda production testing

Started by , Nov 02 2023 07:35 PM
3 Replies

I represent a small family owned craft soda producer.  I have tested the finished product and have not detected microbial issues but some yeast and mold colonies.  The sanitation program is robust and sanitizes with Peracetic acid.  No swabs are taken after sanitizing.  No finished bottle testing for micro is taken.

This is a cold fill process.   pH is used to control product quality.  The range is from 3 to 7.  

Environmental swabs have found no pathogens.  There is no PEM program but takes random swabs monthly, around the floor at filler.

Water goes through a high density carbon filter and is not tested at the plant prior to use.

Sanitation swabs have an APC 150-200 max.


I'm asking for any suggestions/ recommendations, that don't increase costs.  If there should be a PEM program, finished product testing, post sanitation testing then I would implement it.  The company has produced this product for 30 years without any of the above programs.  Looking for ideas.



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Are you NSF certified?

I would swab post sanitizing personally.  You're not validating your cleaning at all if you don't.

What are your yeast and mold numbers?  

And also, just because you've done something a certain way for 30 years, doesn't mean it's right.   We've been around over 60, and we're constantly changing and updating our process, procedures, etc, especially cleaning, swabbing, testing and so on and so forth.

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Post cleaning testing is advisable. e.g. swab test or cip rinse water testing. Swab test of primary packaging material should be done. Frequency of testing and sampling plan can be decided on your risk assessment.

If you are using pH for product quality your pH should not be over 4.2  pH.  Yeast and Mold testing should be done on at least product over 4.2 pH.  Are you using a preservative like sodium benzoate?  

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