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Glass and Hard plastic check

Started by , Nov 02 2023 05:15 PM
6 Replies

I'm new on this forum :) I'm looking for a glass and hard plastic decision tree. At the moment all our plastic and glass checks are made monthly but I want to make a risk assessment and separate into sections daily, weekly and monthly. I remember there were some questions like: are the hard plastic/ glass above open products ? but I don't remember all the questions that I needed to answer to correctly classify potencial risk. Can you help me with that ?



Many thanks


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Topics you might be interested in Glass Inventory Tablets glass condition register Mayonnaise Glass Bottling Plant Process Glass Registry BRCGS 4.9.3 Glass, brittle plastic, ceramics, and similar

Hi Anya,




Welcome to the IFSQN forums


I’m not sure you need a decision tree, you need to assess the risk of glass/brittle material contamination and take appropriate action including putting monitoring in place.


Risk Matrix Glass Contamination.png   91.16KB   3 downloads


Physical contamination controls should be considered by assessing the risk, then either eliminating, preventing or detecting.

Eliminating: Where possible, eliminate the hazard - remove unnecessary glass

Prevent: Use control procedures to prevent the risk – protect glass items from breakage or apply film & monitor


So, items deemed high risk should ideally be removed, if not they should be protected in some way and monitored at an appropriate frequency. For example a glass gauge on a filling machine with open product should be removed if unnecessary. If it is needed then a film should be applied to limit any spread of glass if there is a breakage and it should be frequently check, say at the start and end of each shift. This can be achieved by having a simple check on the daily production record.


Kind regards,



If an item is above a product then it should be on your pre-op list. So checking daily to make sure the item is clean but also not missing any parts/broken. 

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Personally I'd mitigate anything over open product.   Use shatterproof bulbs, coat any windows, etc.  I also do glass/plastic checks on my monthly self inspection, but it really saves a lot of headache to limit this, in production areas especially.   My .02

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This could help 



Attached Files

I've made a very simple one in the past: where any glass or BP in our zone 2 areas (on or above production equipment or direct area) was required to be checked at each shift change.  Lights and plastic were checked on forklifts daily.  Then all the items on the inventory were checked monthly.


We accomplished the shift change checks via a question on the start-up inspection forms each shift was required to fill out prior to operation.  The forklifts were checked via the standard checklist for forklifts each day.  And my full inventory done monthly (including those zone 2 and forklifts) was performed monthly.  Being able to show the zone 2 and forklifts on my monthly inspections and my breakage log went a long way at justifying the start-up and forklift forms were sufficient to control the hazard:  auditor could check my breakage reporting log for the date a gauge was found cracked on a filling machine, went to startup log that day and found the operator had recorded and reported it.


in this webpage: 



you will find several good risk assessment schemes; I attach the one that you need


best regards,




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