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QAC Test Strip Checking Record

Started by , Oct 17 2023 06:19 AM
8 Replies

Hi, our company will start on using QAC strip to check chemical dilution of sanitizer, as verification. Do you have any example on how can I include this in our procedure of cleaning?

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Add titration to the sanitation record as a Yes/No box e.g. Is it between X and Y range


Dear Scampi, thank you for responding. I'm not quite getting it, can you elaborate more? Thank you.

Add titration to the sanitation record as a Yes/No box e.g. Is it between X and Y range

Hi Shaf03,


This will be a case of making up the correct dilution then using the test strip to check the concentration is within an acceptable range. The test strips themselves should have instructions to follow.


Kind regards,



The washing area have an automated dilution dispenser, meaning no need of manual dilution or correcting dilution. But, our internal auditor gave us an NC on "no validation process conducted for concentration of sanitizer". They said that we can use the strip to validate the sanitizer concentration.


However, I'm kinda confuse should i record every time i validate the sanitizer concentration in any record? Is it compulsory to do so?


Hi Shaf03,


This will be a case of making up the correct dilution then using the test strip to check the concentration is within an acceptable range. The test strips themselves should have instructions to follow.


Kind regards,



The washing area have an automated dilution dispenser, meaning no need of manual dilution or correcting dilution. But, our internal auditor gave us an NC on "no validation process conducted for concentration of sanitizer". They said that we can use the strip to validate the sanitizer concentration.


However, I'm kinda confuse should i record every time i validate the sanitizer concentration in any record? Is it compulsory to do so?

I do all my stuff every Friday.   I go through with my book which contains all the paperwork for stuff I have to vali at one time, so check sink sanitizer, check scales, send all out metal detectable stuff thru metal detector and make sure it sets it off, etc etc.

1 Like1 Thank

Hi Shaf, 


Not sure what type of chemicals you are using, but will be good to talk to the supplier and ask about cleaning chemical concentration test kit. If you have one, it means you should have a record based on the risk assessment (how often dispenser should be challenged). Let`s say you are checking dispenser once week and you have records with corrective actions. Use these records to support your validation. 


To check if the chemical strength is enough to remove residues use micro swabs (before & after) which is part of the validation. 

To check if the chemical solution is well rinsed use pH strips (6-7 neutral), most chemicals will be from 9-14. 



The washing area have an automated dilution dispenser, meaning no need of manual dilution or correcting dilution. But, our internal auditor gave us an NC on "no validation process conducted for concentration of sanitizer". They said that we can use the strip to validate the sanitizer concentration.


However, I'm kinda confuse should i record every time i validate the sanitizer concentration in any record? Is it compulsory to do so?


I can't speak for all GFSI codes as I'm more experienced in SQF, but I believe every GFSI code will indeed call for verification that your chemical titrations are within specification.  Especially when it comes to leave on sanitizers, which are often toxic at undiluted levels, you need to make sure they're mixing properly by the machine to avoid covering your equipment with toxic levels of the stuff.


Your chemical company's representative will have the test strips needed to verify each of the chemicals you mix on site.  You can create a form listing each of the chemicals, show on the form what a proper PPM mixture should read via the test strip, and have an employee test a sample from each titration machine before your sanitation shift starts.  Once you have done that for a month or two and have the records supporting the machines are mixing properly over a period of time, you can consider changing this verification check to a lesser frequency.  Make sure there's a training SOP to explain to employees how to perform the checks and complete that form (you can take the instructions directly out of the test kit data sheets).

Hello Guys,


I have a question in regard of the titration test range recording on the results from my team. The range is between 200 and 300 to pass.


but the technician that perform the test add to the report 255/265, I ask the tech how she get those numbers for. he can't respond and mentioned that she what training on to recorded like that. As an audit this procedure. The titration Hydrion test strip stipulated on the instructions range between 200 color green and 300 range color green a little bit darker.

do I use 200 or 300 solid number for results on the report because the number of the technician is a false number since this strip test is not digital to have a number like this (255or 265) it is showing only solid number as results.

do anyone encounter on anything like this before. for a possible failure on recording of the test.


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