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Shelf life of sunflower oil held in silos

Started by , Oct 10 2023 11:36 AM
2 Replies


Can you please tell me what will be the shelf life of Sunflower oil If we are keeping in Silos with standard temp. requirements 




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Depends on too many factors. 

First consider the things which will cause shelf to shorten (water+heat causes hydrolysis, FFA rises), light/heat/oxygen contribute to oxidative deterioration, PV rises, you end up with a bad taste due to off flavours developing after peroxides are produced. 


Refined/unrefined? - unrefined oils deteriorate more quickly. 

Starting quality/freshness (PV) - freshly refined oils should be <1 PV

What your acceptable PV is at EOL?? 4? 10? This you need to determine yourself. 

Temperature of storage 

Moisture levels - low as possible!

Nitrogen in headspace? 

How much headspace? (Less is better)

Nitrogen flushing?

You are going to need to take into account your suppliers specification. Ideally you want it arriving at a PV of <1. If this is the case, you might be able to store it from weeks to a month - depending all the factors named. 

The best way to determine it is to validate yourself this shelf life through sensory analysis and measurement of deterioration (PV, FFA) in your own storage process. Practically speaking, send some samples from the tank and send off to get measured for PV/FFA 

Good luck! :D 

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Agree with AJL, Isolated tank under nitrogen will extend shelf life and most important receive SFO from approved supplier with consistence Quality.



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