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Is there a process that allows me to request another auditor?

Started by , Oct 01 2023 04:10 PM
4 Replies



I've been consulting for several clients seeking certification for BRCGS and for the first time in years have encountered an auditor that was overzelus and interperting standards overhashly. 


This specific auditor that has caused problems to previous customers is now scheduled to audit another. is there some procedure / rule or justification that allows us to request an alternate auditor? besides an official complaint? 


I would prefer to just get another auditor that is reasonable as i believe this one will cause unnecesary problems


Thanks in advance.

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If you believe an auditor is raising non-conformances that are not justifiable, you should always be formally appealing them at the time. A certification body will look at each appeal on it's merits and if a non-conformance is not justified they will remove it.

If you aren't appealing them, or if you are appealing them but have been unsuccessful each time, then you need to consider whether it is actually the auditor who is the issue.

There are lots of routes you can take though:

The first is talk to your certification body on an informal basis. Certification bodies understand that sometimes personality clashes and when it does it is often nobodies fault, and they may be open to changing the auditor.

The second is to make a formal complaint to the certification body and as part of that complaint to specifially request that this auditor does not undertake your audit going forward.

The third is to just change certification bodies. Talk to the other certification bodies that operate in your area and ask if they can facilitate your audit.

The fourth is to feedback anonymously to BRCGS, who as a scheme owner will always appreciate the feedback.

The final is to lodge a formal complaint with BRCGS, who will investigate and take action as nessecary. With both types of feedback/complaints to BRCGS they will not let the certification body know who you are.

The above answers are assuming that you are genuine in your remarks and not just after somebody different who you think will give you an easier ride.
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Seen it before and most times it is a personality clash.


Your client(s) and not you should first contact the CB and speak with the person that oversees the auditors - have a non formal discussion and request a different auditor.


However if that route does not work your client(s) will need to make a formal request and back it up with a side note to BRC.


I have never seen a CB that did not take action.


The catch is and considering that good auditors communicate finding during the audit and then at outbriefing the question will be raised as to why your client(s) did not challenge on the spot and then immediately and if nesaccery file a complaint.


Years ago I "witnessed" an SQF audit that was being done by a very experienced 3rd party auditor that was one witness audit away from being an SQF Auditor and as it turned out it was the audit from hell that had to be stopped and taken over.


The best thing your client(s) can do is speak up and get this done - the industry will appreciate that they stepped up to the plate. 

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We now have 2 auditors that are not allowed at our plant. That is the statement we made to our CB "(so and so) is not allowed to return to our facility". Our CB was fine with this as it was an exception that we had issues with auditors. Our audits usually go very smoothly but the entire last day of one audit I stopped "talking" with the auditor. I only responded yes or no to his questions and silently showed him documents. He conveniently needed to leave very early the last half-day of the audit. He was there for only 1 hour of the 4 or 5 he was scheduled for that day. We appealed several of the NCs and they overturned all but one of them. We typically score in the high 90's. His initial score was a 71! Always remember: You are hiring them to audit your system, You don't have to allow any of them in your facility so you can be selective (to a point) as to who you allow to be your auditor.

Most of our auditors were quite reasonable and nice - except for 2 guys: one, organic auditor, was having such dirty outfit that it seemed he came from a pig barn; another one had strange personal attitude to me, he mocked my answers and seemed arrogant (I was stoic though, and ignored his mockery). But all in all, for 12+ years I haven't had big problems with auditors, thank God. 

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