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SQF Audit NCR questions

Started by , Sep 25 2023 05:27 AM
5 Replies



I had a couple questions regarding SQF audits as I wasn't really told clearly by the auditor.


After submitting our NCR within 30 days, if he does not accept some of them does it mean I have to re do it?


Also, regarding the food legislation policy, our programs do not explicitly say what section is considered the food legislation but we did identify that we need to notify SQF and the third party CB within 24 hours for recall and in our crisis management.  Is this enough?  Do I need a section that specifically says that it is the food legislation policy and compile everything into one section?  


Thanks in advance. 

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I had a couple questions regarding SQF audits as I wasn't really told clearly by the auditor.
After submitting our NCR within 30 days, if he does not accept some of them does it mean I have to re do it?
Also, regarding the food legislation policy, our programs do not explicitly say what section is considered the food legislation but we did identify that we need to notify SQF and the third party CB within 24 hours for recall and in our crisis management.  Is this enough?  Do I need a section that specifically says that it is the food legislation policy and compile everything into one section?  
Thanks in advance.

Yes. It won't be the auditor who accepts or declines your Corrective Actions, but rather the person approving the CA. If they are not satisfied with your actions, you will have to redo it.

If the second question wasn't noted on your audit, you should be OK.

Yes.  If they are not satisfied with your actions, you will have to redo it. 


If the auditor did not question or food legislation you should be OK. Make sure you have the name and number of your lawyer as well as SQF and the third party CB

Get your corrective actions submitted ASAP so you have time for adjustments ----if you do not submitted AND get approval before the 30 days your certificate may/will be suspended 



I had a couple questions regarding SQF audits as I wasn't really told clearly by the auditor.


After submitting our NCR within 30 days, if he does not accept some of them does it mean I have to re do it?


Also, regarding the food legislation policy, our programs do not explicitly say what section is considered the food legislation but we did identify that we need to notify SQF and the third party CB within 24 hours for recall and in our crisis management.  Is this enough?  Do I need a section that specifically says that it is the food legislation policy and compile everything into one section?  


Thanks in advance. 

1. You would need to re-do it and re-submit. If by chance this puts you over the 30 day limit you will also need to request a response extension.


2. When we create documentation system

S we do so in sequence with the SQF Codes. In this way an Auditor can sit down and go right down the codes from start to finish and match up the codes because each doc section has the code on top in the header area... thus you should have a section just for legislation.  


Makes audits go very smoothly when everything is laid out in sequence. 

Also, regarding the food legislation policy, our programs do not explicitly say what section is considered the food legislation but we did identify that we need to notify SQF and the third party CB within 24 hours for recall and in our crisis management.  Is this enough?  Do I need a section that specifically says that it is the food legislation policy and compile everything into one section?  


Thanks in advance. 


When you mentioned food legislation, I immediately jumped to this clause in my mind: The methods and responsibility for ensuring the site is kept informed of changes to relevant legislation, scientific and technical developments, emerging food safety issues, and relevant industry codes of practice shall be documented and implemented.


I typically write a program in my FSQMS that lists out the legislation relative to my company.  Mostly FDA under CFR 21 and FSMA, etc.  You can find various knowledge bases and update channels that they offer to keep apprised of things like recalls, new laws coming into play, and copy those sources into the program.  The program I write usually calls our company culture into play, that QA managers/supervisors are to periodically check for updates to the laws and present their findings via emails and monthly meetings.  Having something like this defined and being able to show some of the communications on what we've found over the year typically satisfies the auditors.


For example, that new FDA Traceaiblity rule coming into play this year (enforceable by 2026) is going to create some major changes in my company's record keeping.

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