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SQF Backflow Corrective Actions

Started by , Sep 19 2023 05:18 PM
4 Replies



I had a question regarding backflow systems, our manufacturing company is in a leased building and we ended up getting a minor for our backflow.  Currently, I wanted to know how I can resolve this issue as I confirmed that we do not have a backflow system, we would need to install one.  We do have couple machines that are connected to a water line hence the need for a backflow but for the time being I am not sure how I can resolve this issue as it is taking sometime to find plumbers for quotes.  I was thinking of showing our reassessment of needing a backflow, having a maintenance form filled out to show we are working on the issue as well as  a sanitation schedule. Any suggestions / ideas would be great.  


Thank you. 

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Get a few quotes and have on them purposed dates on install and signatures.  Show which one you are leaning on going with.  This should be hopefully enough evidence to show you as a company is looking to remedy this situation.  It is not reasonable to get a backflow system installed within 30 days and an auditor should understand that.

1 Thank

How extensive is the backflow that you need?


Just curious, because many can simply be picked up at a home depot for instance and installed between the 2 points.


Anyway, for proof - have everything signed off on, show a proof of payment (endorsed, transferred, etc) and that should be enough to cancel out the gig and then when it is installed snap a photo send that in as well.

I'm with SQFconsultant. 

Thank you. So far I am currently looking for plumbers to see if I can get some quotes.  As for the pipe system, I am not sure how extensive it will need to be for the backflow. 

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